- Florida CBD Connection
Smokable Marijuana Case In Florida Heads To Court

Plaintiff Cathy Jordan and her husband get their day in court today to contest Florida's medical marijuana smoking ban. Last year when state lawmakers decided that even though Amendment 2 legislation passed by the voters in a landslide that nowhere in the text does it say smokable flower" should be allowed, hence Florida's smoking ban.
As of today Florida only allows certain cannabis products like vape oil, oral oils, topicals, nasal sprays, capsules and concentrates but banned marijuana in its natural form. State lawmakers and local police agree that allowing marijuana flower to be legalized is a step closer to recreational pot and more crime.
Jordan and her husband argue that smoking marijuana in its natural form has kept the debilitating symptoms of ALS at bay for more than 25 years. She is not alone most if not all Floridan's who voted to pass medical marijuana in 2017 expected flower to be allowed and are supporting Cathy Jordan's case. Plus recent research shows that smoking marijuana flower is the most efficient way to ingest THC and CBD from cannabis into the body. Not to mention there has never been a single marijuana-related overdose in our known medical history.
Orlando based attorney and pro-marijuana advocate John Morgan also has a lawsuit being heard this month May 2018 by Judge Gievers addressing this same issue. Morgan has long supported marijuana as medicine in the sunshine state and says its a matter of time until full recreational cannabis is legal.
A lot more needs to be done before Florida sees a change since whoever wins this case will surely appeal the decision and be back in court just like Joe Redner who recently won the right to grow marijuana plants at his home in Tampa for medical purposes. That case is due back in court on appeal sometime this year.
#floridasmokingban #smokingban #joerednertampa #growmarijuana #floridamedicalmarijuana #Amendment2 #floridarecreationalmarijuana #johnmorgan #unitedforcare