CBD Oil for Pain | CBD Dosage

Acute pain is the body’s response to potential injury or infection, but there is a different kind of pain that is affecting millions of people worldwide. That is chronic pain, or pain that persists, sometimes for days, weeks, months, or even years. Chronic pain affects more Americans than diabetes, cancer, and heart disease combined – to the tune of some 100 million sufferers.
Doctors primarily prescribe pain relievers, often opioids, to relieve pain. This has millions of Americans dependent on opioid pain relievers. There is another, safer option for chronic pain relief. That answer is cannabis. CBD, a component of cannabis, is a potent cannabinoid that’s been linked with pain relief.
However, in 2019, we have other options including, cannabinoids (CBD), which are derived from marijuana hemp plants. Board-Certified medical marijuana doctors are successfully treating many things using cannabis these days.
Lets take a detailed look into what pain is, where it comes from, and how the right CBD dosage for pain, can help your symptoms and your overall physical fitness.
How Does CBD Oil Treat Pain;
Cannbidiol may help to limit inflammation, which is a key indicator of pain. CBD can be produced in both the hemp plant and the cannabis plant. Most CBD oil comes from industrial hemp rather than the marijuana plant. However, there are high-CBD strains of cannabis currently being bred that have a higher amount of CBD to THC.
The downside to this is that people who may need to take and pass drug tests cannot use this kind of CBD. The upside is that studies have found that CBD and THC work better together, due to the entourage effect. Many times patients find it's easier to dial in their best CBD dosage for pain, faster.
Side Effects of CBD Oil;
using a portable dry herb vaporizersCBD comes with few side effects, but some people have reported minor adverse reactions such as tiredness, changes in appetite, weight loss and weight gain as well as diarrhea. The best way to consume CBD is via an oil or wax vape pen or getting a high-CBD strain of dry herb and .
Another choice is by consuming edibles or topical CBD oils and lotions. Especially when the CBD dosage for pain that you take is higher than average there is an inherent risk of higher side-effects.
How Does CBD Oil Affect the Body?
A European Journal of Pain study applied a high CBD dosage in gel form to rats to see if there was any impact on arthritis pain. The study concluded that after several days of application, the rats showed a decrease in inflammation and symptoms of pain. There were also fewer side effects.
Additionally, human studies have indicated that a combination of CBD and THC helped with the pain related to arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the nerves and brain, leading to muscle spasms that leads to pain in some people. CBD has shown promise in reducing the spasticity in some patients, as well as working to reduce pain levels.
A review conducted in 2008 looked at different studies done between the late 1980s and 2007. The review concluded that not only was CBD effective in helping to relieve chronic pain, patients did not build up a tolerance to CBD as they did with other prescription pain relievers. In fact, once the optimal CBD dosage was obtained, it reduced pain drastically.
CBD has not only proved beneficial in the relief of differing kinds of pain, but studies also indicate that CBD may help with smoking tabacco, the treatment of depression and anxiety, certain conditions which cause seizures such as epilepsy, as well as showing some promise as a treatment for calming autistic children.
CBD may also have neuroprotective qualities, which is showing promise in the treatment of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.
In short, CBD is a very promising pain relief medication for chronic suffers. It may be possible to help those addicted to opioids shift to a less addictive form of mediation while still controlling their pain.
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