  • Florida CBD Connection

CBD Oil & The Endocannabinoid System

The Endocannabinoid system is within us all and is key in coordinating and regulating organs and other systems in the body. It seamlessly operates and reacts with naturally occurring cannabinoids produced by the body. It is connected throughout the body and affects every part even in a small way. Without this system in place, it would be like having a football team with no quarterback.

CBD Oil & The Endocannabinoid System

CBD directly effects the Endocannabinoid system through the CB-1 and CB-2 receptors when ingested externally and it's important to note that CBD doesn't actually bind with these receptors like THC does. But in fact, interact with the receptors found in the endocannabinoid system and also simultaneously with the same receptors found in cells throughout the body.

Recent research by The National Institute Of Health suggests that introducing Cannabidiol (CBD) externally may have a significant impact on a persons health, and a useful treatment for many symptoms of illness.

CBD Oil and endocannabionoids

As we learn more about the bio-communication of cells and these systems in the body, we can effectively use CBD to manipulate these functions for better results.

New research gives us a glimpse into the future of CBD and how it affects the endocannabinoid system and human health over-all. Another major health benefit from using CBD oil is it also binds with the G-Protein called TRVP-1 that is responsible for regulating pain in the body, inflammations, and body temperature. When taken regularly CBD has both an instant and gradual response. There may be some instant anxiety relief and reduction in pain, or inflammation and the symptoms will gradually decrease more over time as the endocannabinoid system functions at its peak.

It's been discovered that CBD also inhibits the 1D-1 gene from growth and development. This gene is known to cause some aggressive cancers like lung and breast cancer. CBD is the only known, non-toxic molecule that effects the ID-1 gene in this way. Introducing CBD into the body allows us to manipulate these functions on a cellular level without destroying surrounding tissue cells, actually slowing and stopping catastrophic cell deterioration like most disease cause.

Many medical doctors are implementing CBD into their patient's treatment plans today. Since the scientific proof of CBD's ability to interact with the endocannabinoid system as well as others systems and cells within the body, the medical applications may be endless. Doctors and patients find that CBD can alleviate stress, help as a sleep aid, solve digestion issues and slow tumor growth.

The CB2 receptors are mostly found in the immune system and regulate many functions therein more research is being done to unlock secrets of Cannabidiol (CBD) and the interactions with the endocannabinoid system and the entire body.

THC is just as useful for medical application and interacts with CBD and the endocannabinoid syatem creating some aids in symptom relief. Plus THC is the main cannabinoid assoiciated with marijuana phycoactive effects and can give patients the needed rest and relief without negative side effects.

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